I was bored so I decided browsing the net and I've visited asianpopcorn.com , where you can find many articles and latest news about your favorite Asian artist [haha, actually I was browsing to find something new about Chun] then this article caught my eye : Rolling Love Looses; Rumoured Fire Basketball
Airs Earlier.

[Fan Gun Ba! Dan Chao Fan]
Rolling Love which stars Jiro Wang as Michelin and Danson Tang as Leng Lei (which also appeared in Taiwanese hit drama, Hana Kimi) and their leading lady, Genie Zhou as Xiao Shu.Before moving on my reaction, let be give you a very brief synopsis...
Leng Lei, a great and trained chef is widely acclaimed for his perfect cuisines. One day, in a Valentines Day, he decided to confess his feelings to his best friend, Xiao Shu. But unfortunately an accident happened on that day, and Xiao Shu deciced to reject Leng Lei's love because she thinks that he pitied her for what had happened, they remained friends and Leng Lei is taking care of her.
Xiao Shu and her aunt was driving along the road, when all of a sudden the car's engine broke down, that's the time when Michelin, who was on his way to the restaurant saw them and met Xiao Shu. Michelin was also a chef, not as trained as Leng Lei but also cooks very well, infact many of their neighbors are dying to taste his cuisines everyday! Xiao Shu also noticed Michelin's skill in cooking and that's what make them close together...
After reading the articles I was disappointed because I'm also watching Rolling Love and I don't think it is reasonable if they decided to cut the show and replaced it with another hit, Fire Basketball (Hot Shot) which stars two of the most cutest guys in Asia, Wu Chun and Jerry Yan. Jiro and the rest of the cast is really acting well and the plot is very nice. Cutting an episode is not a good idea because the cast worked hard to shoot a scene. I believe some dramas are also experiencing low ratings, so why would they cut scenes immediately? If this is true I feel pity for Jiro because he is one of the main cast and I know it will be a hard time for him... Well, if CTV will just edit some scenes, it will be better because the viewers will get to watch Rolling Love until it reaches the ending. I hope this rumors aren't true... After all, I believe Wu Chun is more famous than Jiro, so let's give him a chance!!! [but im not saying that I hate Chun, of course I LOVE CHUN, let's just give others a chance to shine, ok???] :]
those who have cable at home, let's support Jiro!
this is the site where I got the info:
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